Sunday, June 27, 2010


I'm still working on the name but I have a great idea for a SyFy movie. I've been watching a couple world cup matches since it's one of the only sports I can actually sit through. I know that vuvuzelas have been the subject of many a "wtf is that!?" and "cheesus that's so annoying!" stories. My first thought when I heard them was "jesus are there massive insects floating around the world cup stadium!" Hence, MegaMosquitrons (or maybe "MegaMansquitos?")

The premise will be something along the lines of a sexy female researcher (Debbie Gibson and Tiffany seem to be busy making Mega Python v. Gatoroid, my vote: Monica) doing experiments on some non-specific disease spread by mosquitoes. Then something goes horribly wrong and the mosquitoes are accidentally injected with some huge growth DNA, start growing at a monumental pace, and bust out to terrorize the locals.

Surprisingly there are not many pictures of Monica wearing nerd glasses and a lab coat. But just picture her in front of a microscope, taking notes, and speaking very seriously about nucleotides and protein strands.

They megamosquitoes (gigantormosquitoes?) look like this, except about 2358 times bigger.

There will also have to be some secondary love plot with a sexy law enforcement official or maybe a CDC guy worried about diseases or an overzealous entomologist. It's still a work in progress but you get my drift. I think the ultimate showdown would be at a soccer match and there would be many scenes of angry soccer fans looking around wondering who the assholes with vuvuzelas are and then BAM! they'll look up and be attacked by gigantic mosquitoes!

I'll be accepting that emmy nomination any day now.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Foodz and Movie Reviews

Hey there! Long time no see. It's been forevs. A lot has been going on here, what with my crazy busy life and all.


UPDATE: I figured out how to add .gifs to this thing! I feel so internet saavy.

Eh not really. I did make it out to Poland for an awesome wedding where I drank and danced and ate a lot, including this meat in aspic dish. It's not just a Julia Child favorite! I also tried Polish moonshine and had roughly 72635 shots of vodka over the course of the week.

I stopped by Prague on the way home and ran around the city with a wonderfully delightful host who has more energy in a day than I do in 2 weeks. Here's just one of the many shots I took of the city.

Besides that I've been catching up on my Netflix queue (including Waiting for God and Party Down), hanging out with Maude, and eating a lot of great meals with friends. The neatest was a summer solstice bbq that involved an entire pig.

That picture not good enough? Oh excuse me. Here's a better one.

Hopefully that fulfills your close-up-charred-pig-carcass viewing quota for the day.

The only other thing I have to share for now is the internet's newest and bestest blog, KT is en route to become the queen of trivia. I would highly recommend giving yourself at least an entire afternoon to digest and process the brilliance of her movie reviews. About "Major League":

"Anyway, I am not sure what I am supposed to write, but I should start by saying it was funny. Though it was not funnier than...(pausing to think about the name of the movie)...(still pausing because I can't remember)... anyway, it was not funnier than the movie I watched two weekends ago with the guy with gray hair who looks like the guy who was in another movie with gray hair with a really tall or long nose. I don't know his name or the other guy's name. I've seen the other guy with the tall nose more on tv than the guy in the movie I saw two weekends ago."

I'm just saying Roger Ebert better watch his fucking back.

OH and I almost forgot. I got an actual jobby job with benies and regular hours and a regular paycheck! Pretty soon I will be buying Maude a outfit that resembles this detailed rendering of what rich dogs wear.

How dapper!