Apropos to my last post, a judge in Georgia just struck down my favorite true-life-lolowl Orly Taitz. My definite favorite part, besides the "you're dumber than a middle schooler" burn, was the revelation that Orly Taitz used an AOL poll as evidence. What won't this woman try!? I think I will take her lead and start running my own internet polls before I need to get contracts signed.
Exhibit A - Internet Poll Results
It was conclusively found that 94.5% of the polled public prefers Party A and their counsel Agrado, Esq., as having far superior skills in general likeability, knowledge of the LOLCAT dialect, a high level of competence in Blingee-creation and finding cute animal pictures. Party B is made of fail and no one likes them. This poll result is conclusive evidence of Party A and Agrado's superiority in all things, both unicorn and non-unicorn related.
And then I would attach this picture (courtesy of Julia Segal's funny funny site) as Exhibit B

And then I would win everything forever.