When it comes to pets (especially dogs, but cats too), I'm like some women are with babies. I freak out a little. Like I have to have one RIGHT NOW!! I talk to random people's dogs on the street without saying anything to their owners. When I'm alone with animals, I constantly talk to them as if they could hear or understand me. CuteOverload and the Daily Puppy make me squeal like a tween watching the Jonas Brothers.
I plan on getting a dog soon. I already have a name picked out! Sprinkles! But being a relatively rational person, I know that since I'm not home very often and I don't have a lot of money, I should wait a bit before getting him/her. But that doesn't keep me from living vicariously through other people's pets. Like these proshes (who'll probably make many appearances here on U.R.)
They are gay brothers who almost got smashed to death by construction workers when they were wee little kitties. The one on the left is really fat and lazy, but gets possessed by spirits about once a day, while the one on the right sleeps with one eye open. Since I'm allergic to cats, they often make me sound like Bea Arthur when I've been hanging out with them too much, but they are worth it.
This delightful puppeh was found when he was also a weee little thing chained up in a backyard. He was sneakily nabbed by crafty ninjas from owners who didn't care about him and didn't want him. He could've grown up to become a mean fighty dog but he is now the sweetest thing on four legs. Those wrinkles on his forehead means he's thinking! He usually has to think real hard cause he's a little special.
And this guy below came from a racetrack. He raced for 5 years before he got his forever home. Now he is playing happily up in dog heaven after 8 years of fun home life where he got to run in the backyard, sleep for 14 hours a day, and occasionally get spoiled (and fat! though you can't tell by that slender face) with people food.

The above wonderful pets at some point didn't have a home (or had a really crappy one) And we all know there are tons of unwanted puppehs and kittehs all over the place. For those like me who want a dog but can't have one for one reason or another, you can sponsor some lovely pets until they get a forever home at Best Friends Animal Society (I love them cause they take in the neediest of animals) and your local humane society. Or you can contribute to the AFDSF (Agrado's Future Dog Sprinkles Fund). I take cash and Paypal.
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