I just came back from my first ever book club meeting. I've always wanted to be in a book club and when my friend Elaine over at
ICKH emailed me about starting one, I was all about it. Of course we ended up just talking about what's going on in everyone's lives and spent all of 3 1/2 minutes talking about the book we had chosen ("The Department of Lost & Found" by Allison Winn Scotch - it was ok. Not wonderful but an easy read. I found the main character annoying and unrelatable in a lot of ways, but moving on....), it was a lovely evening all around. We had originally scheduled our date for November 4th, forgetting for 3 seconds that it was election night, but we made a point to toast to the best news in the last decade. We talked about how hot Rahm Emanuel is (a topic which I think will be more thoroughly covered in a future blog post), and just how awesome the Obamas seem as a family and as a couple. This
site really captures it. My fav pic is this one:

I can't think of a more genuinely happy and comfortable looking couple that is in the public sphere than the Obamas. They remind me of my parents. Their whole family dynamic is completely relatable. All of the pictures of their family just scream to me "Please reach into your computer screen and give me a big ol' hug full of happiness!"
I'm excited by the executive orders that Obama has planned, how much time and effort he's putting into his transition team, the set of brilliant advisors I'm sure he'll have, and I'm uncharacteristically optimistic about his chances at being successful policy-wise. But I also know that Democrats love to hate on Democrats, it's that whole self-deprecating thing we do, so I know there will be a lot of criticism of the Obama administration within 6 months of his inauguration. They'll bitch and moan about all the things he said he'd get done but can't get done in 10 days because even with the Executive and the Legislative branches controlled by Democrats, we still have 8 years of shit to fix. That's a lot of shit. But it's inevitable and the Democrats will be angry and the hopegasm will eventually be over. I know Obama is not
Cheesus and he does not perform miracles. Despite that I still feel excited about his family being "the first family" and what that means for Americans. Even if he ends up falling short of his expectations, I can't imagine not feeling the giddyness I feel everytime I see the Obamas as a family. Barack's story is so quintessentially American, Mark Twain couldn't have written a better story if he tried.
i tried to post on this before but it didn't work. i was gonna say i absolutely love this post and love this picture!!! :)