Thursday, January 8, 2009


I've had a hella long week. Looong work day Monday, date on Tuesday eve, book club Wednesday (love my BC ladies!), and today I was down in Salem all day cause one of our clients was getting interviewed by a very famous investigative reporter for the news, which meant another long day. Man I can't wait to sleep in this weekend! I have a few things in my queue I want to share but I'm feeling majorly re re this evening and can only bring you the following two videos, basically comment free, from bestweekever.

ICYMI - Wobbly Dog Needs A Wheelchair - video powered by Metacafe


1 comment:

  1. WineBookClub was awesome! As always, I had a fantastic time. I'm not gonna lie, though - I had a craptacular low-grade red wine hangover today. Which sucks, but not more than the fact that IT DIDN'T STOP ME from having more red wine tonight.

    I never learn.
