I want to listen to books on tape read by Ms. Nina Flowers. Team Nina for the win!
Aaaaanyway, lately, beyond Drag Race and the cats, I have not been very inspired. I've gone through my p.b.p. tag on my google reader (possible blog posts) in case I had tagged something for later and forgot about it. Turns out when I read the internetz late at night after a few glasses of wine I like really silly shit.
Like mutant rodents:

Or random ads about delicious food staples:

Yeesh! For some reason I guess I just think these will perfectly accompany some random story about something silly. But really, what could I possibly write about where anthropomorphous food will be applicable? Giant rodents maybe, but a cheeseheaded man? I highly doubt it.
But as long as I just keep this in mind, I think I'll be ok.

Thanks gay rainbow superhero man. I do believe in myself.